Indiana Attorney Fees


The attorneys of Klezmer Maudlin do not charge for a consultation either in person or over the telephone.  If you decide to hire us, our attorney fee is regulated by State law at 20% of any recovery up to $50,000 and 15% of any recovery over $50,000.  We also ask for reimbursement of our out-of-pocket expenses.  Many people hire us who have already been offered a settlement.  In that situation, our firm will most usually agree in writing under the contract not to charge you an attorney fee unless we are successful in getting more money in your pocket (more than you had when you hired us).  This seems like a fair agreement since you have already been offered a settlement at the time you come to see us.  We will not take your case unless we feel confident that we can get you a higher settlement (higher than you had on the table when you hired us).

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