Denied a Repetitive Trauma Injury Claim? Know your rights to appeal a denial.


Carpel tunnel syndrome (CTS), tendonitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, etc. are examples of  repetitive trauma. Your employer and its workers’ compensation insurance carrier may deny your claim for a repetitive trauma injury.  Your employer’s decision may be valid or it may be an effort to avoid a flood of similar claims by co-workers.

“If we approve one of these claims, we may have dozens more”, might be your employer’s concern.

To support the denial, many employers hire physicians who share their conservative beliefs that repetitive trauma claims are not work related injuries.  You may appeal the denial.  If your symptoms were caused by your job duties, you have the right to appeal. Exploring legal counsel may benefit you in this situation. Our office welcomes you for a consultation at no charge.

All Indiana Worker’s Compensation attorneys charge the same because fees are set by Indiana law.  Klezmer Maudlin can only charge a percentage of any recovery received therefore will not charge you an up-front fee for our services. Under the Indiana Workers’ Compensation Act, attorney fees are limited to 20% of the first $50,000.00, and 15% of any remaining balance. With limited exceptions, we also will collect our out-of-pocket expenses from the recovery and not from you.

If you hire us with an offer already given to you, we will typically agree not to charge an attorney fee unless we recover additional money.  For example, if you hire us with an offer already of $5,000.00 and 3 months later we tell you we can only get you $5,000.00, we will typically not charge you. We will discuss this in more detail at our initial meeting, once everything has been answered properly we will put our agreement in writing.

If you have any questions regarding our attorney’s fee, please contact us at 1-800-809-3776.

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